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Temperature Gauge Cards
The temperature gauge cards provided by the Eco Committee are simple yet powerful tools for families to monitor and regulate home heating. By offering a clear visual of room temperature, these cards encourage awareness of energy usage, promoting adherence to optimal temperatures between 18°C and 21°C. This leads to gradual, informed adjustments to heating, reducing over-consumption and lowering heating bills. Furthermore, monitoring room-by-room allows for targeted heating, minimising waste and contributing to a smaller carbon footprint.
We hope these temperature gauge cards will be a useful tool for your family. By working together, we can create a more energy-efficient and environmentally conscious community. Thank you Eco Committee!
For more information please visit:
St. Oliver Plunkett's Primary School 91 Main St, Forkhill, Newry, County Down, BT35 9SH | Tel: 028 3088 8374

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