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St. Oliver Plunkett’s Primary School Forkhill

Christmas Concert 2014

18th Dec 2014
Christmas Concert 2014

On Thursday 18th December, parents, grandparents and the wider community were invited to view our Christmas production of Scrooge: A Ghost of a Chance!

To start proceedings pupils from Primary 1, Primary 2, Primary 3 and Primary 3-4 performed a selection of Christmas poems and festive tunes.

Following the KS1 pupils, our children from KS2 performed Scrooge. They put on a superb show! The pupils deserve great praise for their acting, singing and dancing.

Have a look through the photographs- who can you spot? 

We would like to thank everyone involved for all their efforts in making it such a successful show. 

Here is a Christmas message from the pupils of St Oliver Plunkett’s!